Monday, August 11, 2008

NEW Quarterly Newsletter

So today I am putting out the first of what will be a continuing series of quarterly newsletters. I got the idea from a friend, Michael Clark, and ran with it, so here it is the first issue.

(Click on the image below to link for download)

The whole newsletter was designed with Adobe's InDesign and this was my first time using the program, so it was certainly a learning experience. Because this was my first time, I am especially eager for critiques or comments on the design and layout, so fire away.

Also, if you would like to be added to the list for email updates when the next newsletter comes out please email me at samadamsphotography [at] or through my website and let me know you wish to be added.


1 comment:

Michael Chansley said...

Very nice! I think I might be switching to a quarterly instead of a monthly since some months I don't get enough work to really showcase anything. Your design looks good. If you have Apple Pages, you can try using that too. It's really simple and has a template for newsletters I think you would like.